Local solutions to local challenges

The Waste Wizard is a comprehensive search tool for residents of Chelan and Douglas counties. Search for anything you're looking to recycle, donate, or properly get rid of.

A special thanks to Sustainable NCW for helping make the Waste Wizard available to the community! If you have questions or suggestions for things to add to the Wizard, please send your feedback to wastewizard@sustainablencw.org. You can also support this ongoing resources by becoming a member or donating HERE.

Waste Management offers curbside recycle pick-up for the following items: Plastic bottles, clean paper and cardboard and clean tin/aluminum cans.  NO GLASS!

Waste Management Curbside Recycle

Much of western Chelan County, including Leavenworth, Plain and Lake Wenatchee, is under an Apple Maggot Quarantine. State law prohibits brush from a quarantine area to leave a quarantine area. Click below to learn about current updates for brush disposal.

Brush & Yard Waste Disposal

Waste Loop is working hard to find glass recycle options for the greater Leavenworth Community. Click below to learn more about current collection and recycling.

Glass Recycling